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FAQs Page

How to Register?
  1. Fill up the form: Name, Email Address and Password
  2. After submitting the form, your account is still Pending until COHARA Admin activates it.
How to join events?
  1. Login to the Kumbira Registration system.
  2. You can select which Division you want to join - Professional, Student, Kiddie
  3. Fill up first the Profile form whic is located on the left part of the site.
  4. After you submitted the form, then you can now add multiple teams per event.
How to change participants for an event?
  1. After logging in, you can immediately see all the teams and the participants.
  2. On the right side of it, there's a button that says "Edit Entry" and a modal box will appear for you to change the entry.
How to submit the final participants?
  1. Once you are now satisfied with your participants and entries, you can click on the "Finalize Entries" button on the Home page.
  2. This will then send a notification to the COHARA Admin.